For this discussion, describe the methods and procedures for conducting the data analysis using your chosen research question, methodology, and model (if applicable, such as Giorgi’s model of phenomenology or Moussakas model of phenomenology; Stake’s model of case study or Yin’s model of case study; Corbin and Strauss’s model of grounded theory or Charmaz’s model of grounded theory, et cetera).
Please do not mix the methodologies or models. Use the descriptions given in the introduction for this unit only as a guide. Your step-by-step data-analysis procedures should be paraphrased or otherwise depicted in your own words and referenced to the primary sources.
Lastly, offer your thoughts regarding “Chosen Methodology – Data Analysis”. It should be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Include an introduction and conclusion. Your sources should be 5 years or less.