Describe the culture of an organization or organizational unit with which you are familiar, using concepts from the relevant text readings (chapters 12-14).

Research and Evaluation for Busy Practitioners: A time-saving guide, Bristol: The Policy Press.
August 5, 2017
Analyze the design given in terms of appropriateness, assumptions, strengths and weaknesses, and threats to internal and external validity.
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Describe the culture of an organization or organizational unit with which you are familiar, using concepts from the relevant text readings (chapters 12-14).

Describe the culture of an organization or organizational unit with which you are familiar, using concepts from the relevant text readings (chapters 12-14). Reflect on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the unit’s culture in meeting the unit’s goals, and give at least two recommended changes you would like to lead for improvement. Write in the form of a memorandum to a relevant manager in the organization.. Two double-spaced pages in 11- or 12-point font, exclusive of any appendices, is the page limit.

Upload the assignment on the Assignment 6 link on the course homepage. The assignment is graded (15% weight). Grading criteria follow:

Culture of the organization/unit is clearly presented (20%)
Appropriateness of the culture is clearly analyzed (20%)
Recommended changes are presented and justified (20%)
Memo is well-planned, well-written, and logically organized (20%)
Memo makes accurate use of relevant concepts and theories (20%)

1. This is Description to my organization and my role and responsibilities. I’m working in Medical City which is consists of four hospitals and four center. Main Hospital, Women’s Specialized Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Rehabilitation Hospital and Medical Centers which include Heart Center, Neuroscience Center, Hematology &Oncology Center and Specialized Diabetes & Endocrine Center. In addition to the hospitals there are primary care clinics, Emergency Medicine Administration and Faculty of Medicine. All these hospitals and centers consist of a total of 1,100 beds.

Since I finished my training and fellowship I handle many leadership positions and responsibility now I’m the chairman for Emergency medicine department which consists of 70 beds with around 100,000 visit per year. We have total of 18 attending physicians and around 30 resident in training program.

2. I need only one reference which is :
reframing organizations by bolman and deal , chapters 12-14

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