Describe how you would use a troubleshooting model to resolve a user’s inability to connect to the Internet from a physically connected networked laptop in an office.

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Describe how you would use a troubleshooting model to resolve a user’s inability to connect to the Internet from a physically connected networked laptop in an office.

Assignment: Write a 1- to 2-page memo to a business manager that is not familiar with network communication. Describe the role of protocols in network communication.

  • What widely used networking protocols support or make possible video calls also known as video teleconferencing? What role does each protocol play in the video call process? Include basic connectivity roles.
  • What is a troubleshooting model? Describe how you would use a troubleshooting model to resolve a user’s inability to connect to the Internet from a physically connected networked laptop in an office. What protocols are used in this situation to connect a networked laptop to the Inter

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