To receive full credit for discussion participation, you should post a message during the first three days of the module. The Week 1 topic requires nothing more than some thought and reflection, while the Week 2 topic requires specific knowledge of the module’s contents. For full credit, you should respond to both topics. We suggest you do the Week 1 topic first, but please feel free to respond to either topic, at any time.
Week 1 Topic: What to do, what to do???
Metaphorically, the road through life has many intersections; sometimes a T-intersection (go left or right), sometimes a crossroads (go left, right, or straight ahead), and sometimes a roundabout with many alternatives. Each alternative leads to several possible outcomes, with each outcome having a probability that ranges from highly unlikely to almost certain. Choosing the right outcome is sometimes complicated, and it would be nice to have a tool to help us make the choice.
Describe and discuss a situation in which you had to choose among several alternative courses of action. What were the possible outcomes of each alternative? How did you choose an alternative?
Week 2 Topic: Sometimes decision trees don’t grow.
Decision trees are attractive. They offer a straightforward way of writing down the various available alternatives and choosing among them. But here are some questions that always need answering.
Discussion General Expectations