Deep Sea Fishing versus Fresh Water Fishing

August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
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Deep Sea Fishing versus Fresh Water Fishing

Deep Sea Fishing versus Fresh Water Fishing
Fishing is a popular activity in all parts of the world. Across the world, fishing is a source of livelihood for many families who use fish as a source of food. In some instances, fishermen engage in a business where fish is a commodity of trade. However, fishing is not only used as a source of livelihood. There are individuals who engage themselves in fishing as a sport. In this case, this group of people enjoys fishing for fun. Whether used for fun or as a source of food, there are two major types of fishing. These are deep sea fishing and fresh water fishing. These two methods of fishing have a few similarities as well as differences.
Deep sea fishing is also known as salt water fishing. It is generally considered that the depth of the water should exceed 30 meters in order speak about deep sea fishing. Similarly, fresh water fishing is mainly an activity in fresh water lakes. The majority of lakes contain fresh water, but there are a few that comprise of salty water. In addition, rivers and ponds provide grounds for fresh water fishing. The fish found in salty water have gills that diffuse gases while marinating salinity between the fish and the surrounding waters. Interestingly, there are fish that live in both fresh water and salty water. Eels give birth in salty water. However, these kinds of fish spend their lives in fresh water bodies. This implies that it is possible for a fisherman to catch eels in a salty water body and at the same time catch the same fish from a fresh water lake or river.
Deep sea fishing provides a fisherman with a great variety of fish species. These kinds of fish include rays, sea horses, pipe fish, sharks and many others. Fresh water fishing, on the other hand, offers a few varieties of fish compared to salt water fishing. This is because fresh water bodies require higher adaptation techniques than salt water bodies. As a result, deep seas account for more than fifty percent of all kinds of fish in the universe. This is because the salt waters are more habitable than fresh waters.
As a result of the strong waves and currents in a salty water body, fishing gear for deep sea fishing is different from that of fresh water. In this case, salt water fishing necessitates the use of a heavier gear than that used in fresh water fishing. In most cases, a boat and a sturdy boat rod are mandatory. Such heavy equipment is also necessary due to the nature of the fish found in salty waters. Most of this fish may weigh up to fifteen kilograms. A fish weighing more than five kilograms can break a standard fishing rod easily. On the other hand, fresh water fishing requires the use of an average fishing rod. A boat may be necessary though not a must. On the same note, a fishing rod during fresh water fishing does not require a long line as the water bodies are not deep.
Both deep sea fishing and fresh water fishing involve using live or dead baits. However, deep sea fishing does not involve the use of artificial baits. This is in contrast with fresh water fishing where artificial baits are common. Use of equipment in both cases is an enjoyable activity. Whereas there are people that enjoy the use of heavy fishing equipment, others enjoy the use of light fishing rods. Notably, the use of nets is rare in the deep sea fishing. This is because some kinds of fish may feed on the entire net. In addition, a fisherman may not know the fish that the net captured, which is dangerous.
Accessibility is another significant aspect of fishing. It is important to note that deep sea fishing is not as common as fresh water fishing. This is because salty waters are mainly found in coast lines. As a result, accessibility of such waters hider many people from engaging themselves in salt water fishing. On the other hand, fresh water fishing is common and easy to access. There are many rivers and lakes where this mode of fishing is possible. More importantly, people may construct artificial ponds where they can rear fish and enjoy the activity of fishing.
Both deep sea fishing and fresh water fishing have challenges. To begin with, deep sea fishing is a risky activity. This may be as a result of dangerous sea animals such as sharks. In addition, climate at sea changes frequently. In such cases, storms may result to capsizing of the fishing boats, which may lead to deaths. Fresh water fishing is not risky. However, there are a few challenges in this mode of fishing. Firstly, the low levels of water inhibit the growth in size and population of fish. In addition, fresh water fishing faces the threat of pollution that destroys the aquatic life.

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