Conduct a lab experiment to test and plot the air flow distribution in a rectangular duct, as well as establishing a relationship between flow rate and fan speed.

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Conduct a lab experiment to test and plot the air flow distribution in a rectangular duct, as well as establishing a relationship between flow rate and fan speed.

BLDG 371

performed on Feb 25, 2014
submitted on Mar 11, 2014

This experiment is designed to test and plot the air flow distribution in a rectangular duct, as well as establishing a relationship between flow rate and fan speed.

Determining the airflow of a system is very important, especially when evaluating a new HVAC system. knowing the airflow in a system will help:
Modifying of a new system

Troubleshooting problems in an already installed system

evaluation of flow changes produced by a retrofit.

– determining the compliance of the system to regulations/building codes

This experiment gives insight into how air behaves inside the duct and how at different locations there are different velocities. It also provides a better understanding of how to measure the velocity in a cross section of the duct at a specific time, and by obtain the velocity the airflow can be obtained. The calculations are done by obtaining the area averaged velocity “V avg” at different points in the cross section area; then from the V avg we can obtain the flow rate “Q” by multiplying V avg with the cross sectional area, defined by the equation:

Q = Vavg A

1- Set the fan speed (?) at its maximum value.
2- Using the TSI Velocicalc, measure the velocity at locations specified in the cross section.
3- Measurements are done on ly in one quarter of the area of the duct, since it can be assumed that the flow is symmetrical.

4- After each measurement, the fan speed will be lowered by an increment of 200 RPM.

The table below shows the data obtained from measuring the different speeds at different locations across the duct cross sectional area. It also, shows the calculated flowrate as well as V avg and the correction factor.
Below is a graph showing fan speed versus flow rate. (graph 1)
Sample Calculations:

V avg= 4*(1-6) + 2(7-9)/30= 4*( 2.9 + 3.22 + 3.22 + 3.26 + 3.63 +3.74)+ 2*( 3.26 + 3.52
+ 3.62)/30 = 3.356 m/s

Area = 0.3054 x 0.3054 = 0.093 m^2

Flowrate = Vavg * A= 3.356 * 0.093 = 0.3121 m^3/s

V c= v9

K = Vavg/Vc = 3.356/3.62 = 0.927

Q = Vc * K * A = 0.927 * A * Vc = 0.927 * 0.093 * 3.62 = 0.3121 m^3/s


1- We can conclude from (graph1) that there is a linear relationship between the fan speed and the flow rate, which is almost directly proportional. meaning that as the speed of the fan increases the velocity of the air will increase, resulting in a higher flowrate.

2- The value of Vc near the mixing chamber is = 3.71 m/s which is grater than the values obtained near the end (vc= 3.62), and that will result in a greater flow rate duo to the relationship explained in point 1. The reason behind the higher speed near the mixing chamber is that the air didn’t go through the chamber and was not affected by the friction loss with the wall of the chamber. That is because the more area the air goes through, the more friction loss with the wall, hence, less velocity and less flowrate.

Q near mixing chamber = Vc * A * K = 3.71 * 0.927 * 0.093 = 0.319 m^3/s

Q near the end = Vc * A * K = 3.62 * 0.927 * 0.093 = 0.312 m^3/s

3- If we use only a single point velocity, the results won’t be as accurate as if we use the average velocity of the whole cross sectional area. That is because the velocity is not equally distributed across the cross section. if we were to take a single measurement near the wall, the value of the velocity will be lower than any other point duo to loss of friction near the wall. Also, if we were to take the velocity near the center, which represents the greater velocity, the value will be much grater than the average value of the cross section. In our measurements we obtained ( 3.62 m/s ) at the centre and (3.26 m/s) at the edge of the duct, and we obtained and average velocity of ( 3.356 m/s ). Thus, it can be shown that there is a deviation of 3% to 7% that varies between the single velocity and the average velocity measurements.
4- This experiment is subjected to many sources of error. First of all, when recording data, the velocity measuring device (TSI Velocicalc), must be oriented properly to obtain the proper value. That is because the devise uses temperature to calculate the velocity, Thus, it must be used accordingly. The device has an opening at the end (Fig 1) that must be perpendicular to the air flow, allowing air to pass through the opening. In this experiment the task of measuring velocity was done by students whom never used the device before, hence, the results where affected by human error. Furthermore, The position on the cross sectional area in the duct which the TSI must be at, at a specific time, wasn’t very accurate since it was done manually. As a result, data that were obtained to represent a specific point in the cross section was’t accurate. In addition, When measuring the velocity with the TSI, ones must wait for some time until the device data becomes more stable. In this experiment the data were recorded without regard to the time it needs to be stable. Therefore, the results do not represent an accurate reading of the velocity.

Beside the errors that accrued in the experiment, the results obtained do not necessarily reflect a real life test. that is because the experiment has a margin for error. In real life it would be best to avoid errors by having a different approach. First, measuring should be done in most of the cross section as apposed to a quarter of the area. That way any differences in the cross section, such as, dents and non smooth surfaces won’t affect recording the average velocity. Also, In the experiment the cross sectional area was pierced with two holes other than the one that was used to insert the TSI Velocicalc, and that would cause a difference in the pressure, hence, may affect the actual velocity value. In Addition, The value of the fan speed in the experiment wasn’t accurate duo to the fact that the data was recorded shortly after changing the fan speed to a lower level, thus, the system won’t have time to stabiles. Furthermore, Since the device used uses temperature to calculate the velocity, the surrounding temperature may affect the reading of the velocity.

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