California Transgender Bathroom Law

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California Transgender Bathroom Law

1. 6-8 pages ( do not include cover page and bibliography)
2. double spaced, 12 point font
3. Times New Roman
4. MLA format
5. Bibliography (separate page)
6. Also, students must turn in photo- copies, or print- outs, of all sources referenced in your essay (i.e., newspaper articles, specific pages from book chapter, etc.)

1. Introduction: a. introduces your topic and gives a brief overview of the topic; b. states your position
2. three strong arguments in favor of your side of the argument. These three arguments must include one statistical syllogism, one argument from authority, and one argument from analogy.
3.two strong arguments against your position (be sympathetic- watch out for straw arguments)
4. explanation of why these two arguments are weaker than your first three supporting arguments. ( this can also include a summary and re- statement of your original position and serve as your conclusion)

1. Pick one current, controversial topic that you feel strongly about.
2. The topic must be political or ethical in nature.

Keys to a Good Essay:
1. Define your terms. If you use words like “ethical” or “justice,” make sure to define them clearly.
2. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of arguments. If an argument is weak, explain why it is weak. The same its true for strong arguments.
3. If needed, explain the premises and conclusions of the arguments you are discussing. After you present an argument, systematically state what each of the premises maintain and what the conclusion asserts.
4. If needed, point out built-in assumptions in premises and conclusions. If certain premises and conclusions have questionable built-in assumptions, point these out.
5. Avoid logical fallacies. Logical fallacies will weaken the overall strength your essay.
6. Be charitable. When presenting counter- arguments (arguments against your position), be sympathetic. Emotional responses and outbursts against counter- arguments will also weaken the overall strength of your essay.
7. Use Academic Sources: When referencing arguments for your position use scholarly books, journal articles, and essays. Do not use Wikipedia, blogs, or popular magazines like Rolling Stone or Oprah magazine. If your topic is too current to be found in books or journal article, carefully and selectively use respected journalistic sources like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle.

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