please use the sources that I will upload and write research paper about ( New Employee Induction, Orientation, Mentoring, Staff Development) cluster. This paper have to address to utilize course theories and concepts to interpret and critique personnel practices in a school district or other approved organization and develop recommendations for improving 3 areas of personnel administration in that district based on the critique. The assessment is carried out in three parts as follows:
a. Part 1 – you have to develop an organizational profile of personnel systems, practices, and processes relating to the cluster of topics which is (New Employee Induction, Orientation, Mentoring, Staff Development). The profile analyzes current district practices and procedures against key concepts from the selected journal articles and books that i upload.
b. Part 2 – you have to critique the major strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s current personnel practices in the selected areas based on course and student selected readings, theories, and concepts.
This critique should identify, at least, 4 overall or particular strengths in the organizations systems, processes, and practices relating to the topics you address within the set of topics you are analyzing. It should also, identify, at least, 4 areas where you can see the potential for growth and improvement in the organizations systems, processes, or practices relating to the set of topics you are analyzing. Be sure to develop your rationale and cite support for the areas you select to illustrate strengths and to identify potential targets for growth or improvement.
c. Part 3 – Based on the student’s critique of the selected areas which is ( b. New Employee Induction, Orientation, Mentoring, Staff Development), the student chooses (and defends the choices based on the critique) a minimum of 4 improvement targets for their selected areas. Identify the improvement target, state the rationale for the improvement target and develop a set of recommendations to improve the personnel practices, systems, and processes in that area. For each recommendation, identify the improvement strategy, suggest a set of action steps to implement the strategy, and identify any resources that are needed to implement the strategy. If relevant, you can also suggest a timeline and suggest roles and responsibilities for implementation.