Assess the roles, responsibilities, and options of state, regional and international actors in global peace operations

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Assess the roles, responsibilities, and options of state, regional and international actors in global peace operations

Note:PK-04  discussion two pages and followed by two response

Using the situation in Darfur as a case study, discuss whether the lack of resolution of the crisis is a problem of planning or political will. Be sure to fully support your response. Note: This is not an opinion question. The essay response requires academic references as well as provide definitions of core term.

4 Peace Operations: Planning CO-3 Analyze the planning considerations for peace operations across the range of peace operations.


CO-5 Examine and critique alternative concepts for peacekeeping operations


92 – 106

107 – 142

166 – 182

Principles for the Conduct of PSO, Lesson IV – VII

Week Four Forum

Discussion Forum

Research Forum: Engaging your sources

Due Thursday 11:55pm; Responses due Sunday 11:55pm.

Lesson Notes

Weekly Readings

CO-3    Analyze the planning considerations for peace operations across the range of peace        operations.

CO-4    Assess the roles, responsibilities, and options of state, regional and international actors in global peace operations

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