Analyze the current trends affecting the evolution of health information technology (HIT).

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Analyze the current trends affecting the evolution of health information technology (HIT).

Discussion 1

“The Evolution of Health Information Technology”  Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the current trends affecting the evolution of health information technology (HIT). Determine a significant trend that you believe is having the most significant impact on the expansion of HIT. Support your rationale for each of the factors identified.
  • Argue that a health organization’s shift to HMIS ensures the effectiveness of health care services. Provide support for your rationale.

Discussion 2

“The Components of HIMS”  Please respond to the following:

  • Suggest one significant function of an integrated health information management system that can improve the delivery of health care services. Include an example to justify your response.
  • Analyze the key challenges of implementing a health information management system. Suggest a key concern that could deter management from implementing a fully integrated HIMS.


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