A summary on reflective and action learning on team working and leadership (based on your reflective journal and team working experience) (Indicative word count 750 – 850 words)

Choose one (or possibly two) literary/visual texts from this semester, and discuss them in relation to one of the theoretical concepts we have read about this semester.
August 5, 2017
Why general practitioners use computers and hospital doctors do not.
August 5, 2017
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A summary on reflective and action learning on team working and leadership (based on your reflective journal and team working experience) (Indicative word count 750 – 850 words)

Assignment brief:
*Portfolio comprising:
A) a critical review of the literature (choosing one of the two options: 1) leisure industry OR 2) automobile industry ) to inform research question, design, methodology and analysis (indicative word count 1500 words);
B) a summary on reflective and action learning on team working and leadership (based on your reflective journal and team working experience) (Indicative word count 750 – 850 words);
C) a PDP or your Action Plan for Personal Development (Indicative word count 250 – 300 words); and,
D) a suitable introduction and conclusion (Indicative word count 400 – 500 words each)
(3000-3500 words ± 10%).
*A file will be attached with more details.
That you have to read really carefully.
*Number of sources/references: dose not have to be 15 its can go up.but it have to be Harvard style.

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