Week 3: MON NOV 7 -SUN NOV 13
Theme: Supply Chain Integration Practices
Chapter 3 (Supply Chain Design and Planning) of the Bookboon.com ebook, and go to pages 30-49 of the ebook (Click on link) http://www.zums.ac.ir/files/research/site/ebooks/management-organisation/fundamentals-of-supply-chain-management.pdf
Avoiding the Cost of Inefficiency (Click on link) http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/avoiding-the-cost-of-inefficiency-coordination-and-collaboration-in-supply-chain-management/
Introduction: Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR): A Tutorial (Click on link) https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/introduction-collaborative-planning-forecasting-and-replenishment-cpfr-a-tu
Real Time Supply Chain Visibility (Click on link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNvnaXh-NZA
Chapter 10 (Coordination in the Supply Chain – Obstacles) (Click on link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw3Qa5WEFmI&index=3&list=PLFynRLNQ03H32Xl1tbruF51TWcCl-zlwD
Participate in Week 3 Learning Activities – Initial response due by Thursday, follow up response due by Sunday. (6 responses in all) 2 Learning Activities, 2 classmates follow up for each learning activity.
Week 3 Learning Activities
Learning Activity 3-1: A Harvard SC expert claims that customer uncertainty is a given. Explain 3 ways how this uncertainty may be minimized. Refer to Instructor Insights and the videos / readings to support your ideas.
Learning Activity 3-2: From the Obstacles video, select one of the 5 barriers discussed. To overcome that barrier what Supply Chain functional unit(s) identified in Instructor Insights do you need? Explain why and how they contribute. FYI: Bullets and tables can be very useful in organizing your response. Make words work hard!