Youth and adolescents education on STI’s prevention and management.

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Youth and adolescents education on STI’s prevention and management.

Teaching Project Assignment

Part I €“ Introduction of the project and assessment of learning needs/learner

This section will address the following:
1) Introduction to the project
a) rationale for selection of the project including
1) Definition of need €“ can be based on observation, data collection etc.
2) Supporting rationale of the literature by 2-3 scholarly references
2) Setting of the project is described and includes:
a) Type of activity (eg., staff, patient, continuing or formal education)
b) Actual brief description of setting(s)
3) Attributes of the learners descriptions to include:
a) Age
b) Sex
c) Gender
d) Education level (if more than one type of learner be specific about the varied     levels of education)
d) Experiences with subject
4) Assessment of learning needs
a) Specific learning needs identified & readiness to learn of the selected     population according to:
1) Physical
2) Emotional
3) Experiential
4) Knowledge
b) Identifies how the learning styles of the population were identified, using     supportive literature for the selection
c) Describes the learning style of the population
d) Identifies the impact of the learning style(s) on teaching
5) Identifies an educational philosophy that supports the project, using 2 scholarly sources for support
6) Identifies an education theory/model that supports the project
a) Links the educational theory/model back to the philosophy
b) Uses 2 scholarly sources for support of the educational theory/model

Part II €“ Goals and Objectives

This section will address the following:

1) Goals
a) One or two main goals are identified for the project
b) The goal is clearly not an objective and provides a broad, generalized reason     for the project
2) Objectives
a) Main objectives
1) Identifies 3 main (broad) objectives for the project
2) Language of each objective is measurable
b) Supporting objectives (secondary, enabling)
1) Each main objective has 2 supporting objectives that assist achievement         of the main objective
2) Language of each objective is measurable
3) Learning domains are clearly identified and related to the objectives
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective
4) A variety of learning domains in the project must be used for the project.

Part III €“ Teaching Plan

This section will address the following:
1) Teaching content is clear identified and linked to each objective
a) Instructional strategies clearly identified (differentiate between instructional     strategy and learning activity)
b) Learning activities clearly identified
Overall time frame for project is appropriate
Appropriate time frame is allotted for each component of the learning content
Accounts for the need to allow for deviation in learning needs
3) Evaluation method is identified for each objective
a) The method is achievable by the learners
b) The method specifically links back to the objectives
4) Narrative support of instructional strategies, learning activities and evaluation
a) Instructional strategies
1) Rationale for selection of all strategies is discussed
2) The selected literature supports the strategies selected
b) Learning activities
1) Rationale for selection of all learning activities is discussed
2) The selected literature supports the learning activities selected
c) Evaluation methods
1) Rationale for selection of all evaluation methods is discussed
2) The selected literature supports the methods selected

There must be at least five references. References must be selected from scholarly journals, educational sources. The textbook cannot be the sole source of support.

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