Wrongful Convictions
Paper instructions:
Each student will be required to complete a 1200-word APA Style research paper. You must include a separate proper title page at the top of your submission and a separate properly formatted source page. The project should have at least 1200 words of text not counting the title and reference pages. Students will be required to use (5) five scholarly references, and two of these references must be peer-reviewed journal articles from the APUS online library databases. Please note that Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopedias, endnotes, ehow, etc. are not scholarly resources. If in doubt about your source, please ask your instructor before using. Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.Do not copy large sections of text verbatim, cited or uncited, from the Web or your paper will be severely penalized. You must cite within the paper per APA standards. Papers submitted to previous classes or other universities are not permitted.