Latin America- region
The Motorcycle Diaries (directed by Walter Salles) -film-2004
Salt (by Earl Lovelace) Novel-1996
As part of your grade for HIST 2249, you will complete a 10 pages/3,000 words (double spaced), written essay and submit it to the HIST 2249 Moodle site.
This assignment will explore how the process of globalization shapes contemporary and historic popular media and world cultures. For this essay, students will use the course textbook definition as the basis of their discussion. Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of people and places throughout the world through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change (see textbook p. 4 for a detailed discussion of this process). Students will view and discuss (in a written essay) the various aspects and interpretations of globalization for in one film and one novel from the instructor provided list on the next page of this assignment.
Student may to focus their work on one region or multiple regions represented in the film and novel selection. In either case, students must make a STRONG argument for where, why, and how the process of globalization is described and unfolds in the film and novel of their choice.
STEP 3: Watch the film of your choice & take notes for your essay
> Your assignment is to write and submit a complete and original essay describing and discussing the process of globalization in the film and the novel of your choice and how they address the process of globalization.
> To complete this task, watch the film of your choice, read the novel and take notes to guide your answers to the following discussion points required of this essay:
Create a Word Document (.docx or .doc) Microsoft Office
10 pages or 3,000 words
double spaced lines
Include Page numbers on EACH page
Times New Roman Font, 12 point size
Margins: 1?2 inch top and bottom. 1 inch left and right.
*Check your essay for formal writing standards including correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and style.
*Use quotation marks and citations with page numbers for any external books or sources you quote
Avoid plagiarism. Familiarize yourself with correct citation and strive to write this essay in your own voice.
* 10 pages = Essay Text ONLY. The title page, references list, and any optional images or maps will not count as part of the essay page total.
* Essay much include a Title Page, Essay Text, & Bibliography
Essay Format (in this order)
TITLE PAGE: including only the following:
Title of your essay, HIST 2249, Fall 2016, Your full name, the full title of the film, the full title of the novel, and the region or regions that connect to the film and novel
In your essay, answer/address the following discussion points:
state the definition of globalization as found in your textbook(see textbook
*Ensure that you consistently argue and make a link between the film or novels themes, subjects, locations, and ideas to the process of globalization.
* For references use Geography scholarship standards of Chicago Manual 6th edition, Author-Date format and in-text citations. NO footnotes or endnotes allowed. A citation format guide is posted to Moodle for your guidance.
STEP 4: SUBMIT YOUR Essay on Moodle
Essay = 10 double spaced pages long and/or 3,000 words (minimum) to 11 pages long/3,300 words
All research papers must have a clear statement of thesis, direction of argument and concluding remarks. Each paragraph must start with a strong topic sentence and a series of well written, specific, and clear sentences that support the topic sentence and tie back into and support the thesis statement.
The paper must demonstrate an understanding of a significant knowledge of the process of globalization, background context on each region and the issues discussed in the novel and film, and existing literature in the area of research.
Therefore a bibliography must be provided including at least 2 sources that are not Wikipedia or Internet based. The course textbook may serve as 1 source.