Write a reflection on a short-term marketing project. The marketing plan was different from the final club I worked with.

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Write a reflection on a short-term marketing project. The marketing plan was different from the final club I worked with.

This assignment requires to write a reflection on a short-term marketing project. I attached the marketing plan, and provided the link to all the work I have done during the marketing process. Read all the works I have done, then write a paper (8 pages) following the instructions closely.


P.S The marketing plan was different from the final club I worked with. We had to switch clubs from OE to Camping Club because OE did not watn to work with us.


Team Project Group Paper should include the following :

  1. Executive Summary [10 points ]
  2. Introduction of Group Selected [5 points ]
  3. Selection of Group, Strategy and Process [15 points ]
  4. Demographics, characteristics, Targets, subgroups [CH4] [5 points ]
  5. Pertinent information to reach audience [CH 5]
  6. emotion appeal, logical appeal, etc.
  7. Discussion of the selection of Advertising medium or vehicle [10 points ]
  8. Proposed Ad placement, account planning [CH6], Wording & Graphics
  9. Roadblocks to reception explored
  10. Outline of Goals for Ad campaign [CH 7] [15 points ]
  11. Who, what, where, and why for target audience connecting with client goals
  12. Discussion of how graphics, wording, tone, layout and delivery of message connect with target audience [CH 8/ 9] [15 points ]
  13. Results of Ad campaign [CH 12] [10 points ]
  14. Include any actual results obtained along with the why/why not results were realized
  15. How was awareness/participation increased
  16. Conclusion [15 points ]
  17. What did you learn, what would you do differently, your comments.
  18. Appendix should include tables, SWOT if done, and any notes from group meetings
  19. Bibliography if needed



here’s the links to our two YouTube videos.


Introduction Video-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN-ul13o0jQ





We made a Facebook and Instagram page.


Facebook is Camping Club- Team Outdoor   https://www.facebook.com/campingclubteamoutdoor/


Instagram is @campingclubteamoutdoor


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