Wound management and bandaging
Close monitoring of animals with casts, splints, or slings is extremely important. For those patients being sent home with a bandage, cast, or sling, client education is essential. The client needs to know what preparations need to be made before they bring their pet home perhaps this is an outside dog that will need to come indoors. The client will also need to know how to evaluate the cast, splint, sling, even the pet, to know what might indicate a problem. The client will also need specific instructions on how they should handle a problem or who should they contact if something looks abnormal or the patient simply decides to remove their bandage.
Your assignment is to list the instructions you might give an owner who is taking home a pet that has a splint or bandage for a wound or fracture. What conditions might indicate a problem? How would they evaluate their pet to determine if there is a problem? Who would they contact? What would be considered an emergency.