Why do you believe it is worthy of application, i.e., what will the application do for you, for others, and/or for society at-large?

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Why do you believe it is worthy of application, i.e., what will the application do for you, for others, and/or for society at-large?


During this summer session you have read and learned the elements of Fiction, Drama, and Poetry. Given the generally understood notion that all Literature is written from real life and that most, if not all, Literature is written to serve a purpose, the themes in Literature are written to serve greater purposes, such as sociopolitical, socioeconomic, educational, ethnic, racial, or legal purposes. Each purpose just listed are covered in the readers you’ve consumed in the last several weeks. Therefore, this, your final assignment, has a single, yet, not simple, question (see below). While this is a “free” writing assignment, it does have a word count range of 500-600 words, which must be met.

The Question:

Consider all the new fiction, poetry, drama, supplemental materials that you read, and the new ideas and/or reconsidered ideas that you acquired or rethought during this summer session. Then, describe the ONE new thing you learned that you believe is the most important of them all.

Once you come to that conclusion you will write your narrative. In that narrative, which can be written in first person or third person (one or the other, please) be sure to include from which reading the new or reconsidered idea came. Make sure you describe the essence of the idea, as your narrative must conclude with an application of that new idea/thought, including:

  1. what you plan to do with that new single important thing, i.e., how you will apply this new knowledge to and/or in your life in the future?
  2. why do you believe it is worthy of application, i.e., what will the application do for you, for others, and/or for society at-large?

The word count for this assignment is no less than 400 words and no more than 500. Because this is the last writing assignment, this is a friendly reminder to not fulfill the word count with filler or generic words or thoughts. Be honest and genuine in answering the question and the words will simply flow

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