who is wonder woman

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who is wonder woman

who is wonder woman

Paper instructions:
We have been looking at the ideas and symbols that Wonder Woman stands for, both for her and for

society. She represents an idea of justice, honor and truth and yet she is willing to give all that up to be

human. Circe on the other hand, is willing to take all that that Wonder Woman seems to want to negate,

take it and do something with it. In fact she accuses Wonder Woman of not doing her job and not being

who she is supposed to be.
For this essay you are going to look at both Wonder Woman and Circe and write a compare and

contrast essay.

Wonder Woman is supposed to be the representation of justice and the protector for women all

around the world. Circe argues that she is not, and takes away her powers. Who do you think is a better

protector of women around the world? Why?

The paper must be 6-9 pages minimum, you may write more but no less than 6 FULL pages, must follow

MLA format and use the graphic novel  of Wander Women as a main source. You must utilize at least

three more secondary sources to support your ideas but you are welcome to use more. Remember that

your essays must utilize at least two of the theories we discussed. You may use all three, but you CAN

NOT turn in an essay without using any of the theories. the theories are Foucault’s Power theory Lacan’s

theory on the imago and  Judith Butler’s Theory on Performance.use at least 2 of them in your essay.

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