What role has land conservation played in the evolution of the San Francisco Bay area’s food district?

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What role has land conservation played in the evolution of the San Francisco Bay area’s food district?

Cooked and California Cuisine Exam
This is an open book essay exam in which you need to use evidence from the book to answer the questions listed below. You may use the book and any notes you may have taken on the book. You might want to create an outline to answer the question prior to completing so that your answer is well organized. You cannot and should not consult the internet, your iphone or any other device during this exam. Make your answers as complete as necessary

What role has land conservation played in the evolution of the San Francisco Bay area’s food district? As you answer this question, point out three or four key moments when land was preserved. Who was involved in conserving that land? What role did it play in subsequent land conservation efforts? How has the purpose of land conservaton shifted? Or, has it shifted? And finally, what is the impact of land conservation on food production? (e.g., what does it enable? What does it allow to happen? What does it prevent?) Provide evidence from the book to support your answers.

California Cuisine and Just Food discusses a number of different ways of thinking about alternative forms of food. Discuss these various alternative framings of food: food democracy, food justice, food sovereignty, food security, local food, organic food. What are the implications of each framing? What are the obstacles that each one faces? (Suggestion: do any of the case studies illustrate or involve implementation of any of these concepts?).

What is Michael Pollen’s central argument in Cooked? Discuss what he means by the Cooking Paradox and what the implications are for those who find themselves in that situation. Who does he implicate and what does he propose as a solution ?

4) Provide an explanation of personal responsibility and the challenges associated with this position which is often used by food companies to justify the products they make and the lack of regulation of their industry. What effect does this sort of perspective have on food corporations? What assumptions are built into a view on health and diet that places responsibility onto consumers?

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