What levers do managers have to help influence the multiple ethical considerations within the context of the organization?

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What levers do managers have to help influence the multiple ethical considerations within the context of the organization?

Thinking historically, one of the fundamental problems is the notion that man is separate from nature and that nature was put here for man. This places man in a position of control and superiority. Another problem is the notion that there is a divine plan for humanity and, thus, it could not possibly include man’s destruction of the very planet that enables his or her survival. Of course, these 2,000-year-old ideas emerged at a time when there was no understanding of science, the cosmos, ozone layers, and so forth.

Write 200-300 words using APA references focusin on:

  • How do these historical perspectives influence the concept of Our Multiple Ethical Selves?
  • What levers do managers have to help influence the multiple ethical considerations within the context of the organization?
  • How does the manager perform as a “Lens” to filter ethical problems and issues?
  • Using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) from Bloom’s Taxonomy, respond to the prompts.

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