Read the following anecdote:
Yuri, an exchange student from Russia, was gratified by the warm reception he got upon his arrival in the U.S. He was greeted by broad smiles and was frequently invited into homes for meals. He was invited to stay in American homes several times. At cultural events, people would say to Yuri, You must drop by and see us sometime.
Yuri called home and enthusiastically told his family, Americans are so friendly! We are going to be close friends and see a lot of each other.
When researching this topic, some questions to consider in your response may include:
Prior to submitting your work in your final project, compile all previous lab assignments to include a comprehensive paper that reflects an understanding of the basic concepts in Psychology. Be sure to include final revised work from previous weeks and make sure the paper flows from one topic to the next.
Remember, your paper should include:
In Weeks 3 through 6, you may choose one topic per week to include in your paper. The choices are as follows:
Your final paper should have 5 sections represented as Weeks 1 and 2 with a primary focus on research and Weeks 3 through 6 with a primary focus on the topics you chose.