What is the position of the oil producing countries on climate change, and how this has changed (or not) over time since1992 and what are they doing about it?

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What is the position of the oil producing countries on climate change, and how this has changed (or not) over time since1992 and what are they doing about it?

Topic: What is the position of the oil producing countries on climate change, and how this has changed (or not) over time since1992 and what are they doing about it?

This is (International Environmental Law) you should discuss it legally and philosophical way

The Research Proposal is expected to include the following: that is what he wants (I mean my professor)
a) A one paragraph Statement €“ the purpose of the paper The exercise of writing the statement will assist students in identifying with precision what the student intends to do or what the student’s central proposition or thesis’ is.
b) An outline of the parts and sections of the paper
This should take the form of an expanded, annotated draft table of contents
c) An interim bibliography
This should be annotated as to the availability, content, and usefulness of each item. It should be sufficient to demonstrate that the student has acquired familiarity with the basic materials.

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