What is the appropriate role of the media in American Government?

August 4, 2017
Critical theory is an approach used by increasing numbers of analysts to describe organization.
August 4, 2017
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What is the appropriate role of the media in American Government?

What is the appropriate role of the media in American Government?
Political Science: American Government Class.

Topic: What is the appropriate role of the media in American Government?

The Rules:

� Minimum of 1 paragraph and 3 paragraphs max: 500 words

� Content from ANY and EVERY outside source copied & pasted, or copied, pasted & edited must be in quotes

� ANY and EVERY quoted content MUST BE CITED.

You need to cite:

1. When you quote 3 words or more from a source

2. When you paraphrase or use extensive information from a source
� ?We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal?? (Jefferson, T. 1776).

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