What is meant by “melting pot?” Does it apply to the modern or postmodern world?

August 4, 2017
Compare and contrast Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC Models).
August 4, 2017
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What is meant by “melting pot?” Does it apply to the modern or postmodern world?

How is the “postmodern world” different from the modern world?
What is meant by “melting pot?” Does it apply to the modern or postmodern world?
Why is it important to think about the postmodern world in this class?
Which of these is true?
The rules for our private lives are the same for everyone around the world.
In our public lives we don’t need any shared values and beliefs in order to live together.
In a democratic society, shared values and beliefs are developed through broad participation of the many diverse parts of the society.
a and c
a and b
Give an example of what this means: “Work-life comingling promotes possible conflict between public duty and personal interests.” Be sure to identify the public duty and personal interest.
Why (give the reason) is the relativity of values a challenge to ethical behavior?
Why (give the reason) are standardized policies and programs at odds with diverse and vocal publics?
Which one of these is true?
Since the early experts in Public Administration sought to separate politics from administration, we should try to eliminate all politics from public administration today.
Because of the diversity of roles and interests, politics will continue to be a part of public administration.
It is not really possible to craft policies, procedures, organizational arrangements, training, and sanctions to encourage ethical conduct and reinforce its importance.
Give an example of an ethical issue that can arise in agency-political party transactions. (Be sure to give an example, not just the word “corruption” or “inefficiency” or “abuse.” Tell who the players are and what the conflict is and name the agency or ministries involved. Do this for Questions 10, 11 and 12 as well.)
Give an example of an ethical issue that can arise in agency-agency transactions. (Name the agency or ministries involved)
Give an example of an ethical issue that can arise in agency-branch of government transactions. (Name the agency or ministry involved)
Give an example of an ethical issue that can arise in agency-interest group transactions.
Give an example of a conflict between an administrator’s citizen role and public administration role.
Which of these is NOT true?
In a diverse world if everybody is treated the same, everyone will be treated fairly.
The citizenry must not be ignored.
The citizenry must not be yielded to reluctantly under the pressure of interest groups.
If members of a population are varied in their needs, tastes and preferences, then administrators need to provide an array of services, not just a standardized service program.
Give an example of the consumption costs of citizenship?
Give an example of the participation costs of citizenship being too high.
Should the public administrator be a delegate of the citizenry, doing always what the citizens want, or a trustee, determining priorities and direction for the citizenry? Why do you say that?
What is an example of a way in which an administrator educates the politician?
How is an administrator educated BY the politician?
What is an example of a way in which an administrator educates the citizenry?
How does the administrator learn from the citizenry?
What is objective responsibility?
What is subjective responsibility?
Name the four groups the administrator has objective responsibility for.
What are two things you learned from the case study the class made up this past class?

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