What does Hartman mean when he says, “It’s one thing to agree with Kierkegaard that most of us live only in the basements of our houses; it’s quite another thing to bestir ourselves sufficiently to move upstairs.”

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What does Hartman mean when he says, “It’s one thing to agree with Kierkegaard that most of us live only in the basements of our houses; it’s quite another thing to bestir ourselves sufficiently to move upstairs.”

Who is George?
What does Hartman mean when he says, “It’s one thing to agree with Kierkegaard that most of us live only in the basements of our houses; it’s quite another thing to bestir ourselves sufficiently to move upstairs.”
The need for what kind of growth does Hartman say is greatest need?
What Hartman mean when he says “It could be tragic if …one’s freedom to develop himself intrinsically is stifled.”
What does Hartman mean when he says, “George and Jim are likely to become loyal Organization servants first, human beings second; executives first, lovers, husbands, fathers, or real persons second.”
Hartman says, “If George is working with a company that is run almost entirely on the lower or systemic level, he won’t get much encouragement in developing his true Self-potential; indeed, he’ll be blocked and frustrated at every turn.” What three options does Hartman say George have?.
Why would it be important for someone in public administration to develop an inner self”
What are the 4 rules for developing the inner self?
What are 3 differences between the person of faith and the person of fear?
What 6 ways does Hartman recommend for developing the Self?

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