“What do we know and do we not know about cross cultural management?”

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“What do we know and do we not know about cross cultural management?”

This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, “What do we know and do we not know about cross cultural management?”

You should base your responses to the following questions on the insight found in the following three readings:

  • Geert Hofstede: Cultural Constraints in Management Theories, Academy of Management Executive. 1993 7(1) 81 – 94.
  • Mansour Javidan, Peter Dorfman, Mary Sully de Luque and Robert  House: In the eye of the beholder: Cross Cultural Lessons in Leadership from Project Globe, Academy of Management Perspectives. 2006 67 -89
  • Fons Trompenaars and Peter Wooliams: A new framework for managing change across cultures, Journal of Change Management 2003 3(4) 361 – 375

In order to complete the assignment, please write an essay that offers your ideas about the strengths and weaknesses of existing cross cultural management frameworks as evident from the ideas found in the readings noted above and the websites that you have used throughout this course. In the essay you should answer the following three questions.

  • In terms of cross cultural management, what is missing from all three broad perspectives (Hofstede, Trompenaars & Javidan) noted in the readings? In your opinion, what other issues associated with managing international cultures, need to be explored and explained?
  • What do these three perspectives have in common?
  • What differentiates these three perspectives?

Hint: This is an open ended essay. Please use your knowledge of the work of Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars, Mansour Javidan and their colleagues along with the country insights and national culture information found on the websites of the Centre for Inter Cultural Learning and Telegraph.co.uk to formulate your response.

Please limit your response to this assignment to three single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment.


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