Ways to fight cancer, The global community is plagued by

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Ways to fight cancer, The global community is plagued by

The global community is plagued by increasing incidence of lung cancer, colorectal cancer, breast and pancreatic cancers, prostate cancer, leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, liver, ovarian and esophageal cancers. Other types of cancer exist but are less frequent. What is the scientific community doing to attempt to eliminate the most common forms of cancer that are ravaging our society?
1. Be certain you’ve read your textbook’s chapter on cell division, specifically the last section on how cells become cancerous. This is Chapter 8 of “Life by Design” textbook written by Detwiler, Mitchell, and Reichenbach. This is context for completing Individual Assignment 3.
2. Watch the Presentation in Module/Week 8 entitled: “Ways to Fight Cancer”. In order to view the presentation “Ways to Fight Caner” for the assignment you must download ITunes free at apple.com/itunes then when you have it downloaded and opened in the search type, “ways to fight cancer Liberty University” and it will pop up a Dr. Charles Detwiler “Ways to Fight Cancer” presentation 15:58 long. This is the presentation to use for this assignment
3. In the Individual Assigntment 3: 10 Discoveries in the War on Cancer document is a set of 10 scientists’ discoveries. Scan the discoveries briefly. Then open the assignment submission link in Module/Week 8. In the text box, number from 1 to 10 for the 10 discoveries listed below.
4. Now reflect carefully on the first discovery (#1). Would this discovery be more useful for (a) reducing cancer risks, (b) correcting/restoring cancer cells to normal, or (c) destroying cancerous tissue? After number 1 in your list, place in parentheses the letter representing the approach to fighting cancer that will best be served by this new discovery. (More than one approach may be served. But which is most likely to be helped most significantly?)
5. Now repeat this analysis for each of the remaining 9 discoveries. Return to the “Ways to Fight Cancer” presentation as needed for additional perspective. When finished, your entire text box should be simple: a numbered (1-10) list of letters a, b or c. That’s it! Assignment done.

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