Warranties, Product Liability, Consumer Law

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Warranties, Product Liability, Consumer Law

Warranties, Product Liability, Consumer Law


Textbook: Business Law today,10th edition, Roger Leroy Miller. Chapter 12.


Your assignment is to choose one main topic from Chapter 12 that interests you the most and acquire the necessary background knowledge to develop some expertise in that topic.


● From the popular press, choose an article that presents the topic you have selected from each chapter.

● Read the article for understanding.

● Write an in depth one page summary (who, what, when, where, why and how) about the article. Make sure you discuss the major the topics in the article and highlight the main points.

● How is your article related to the chapter? How does the article fit in with topics covered in the chapter?

● Give your opinion about the topic of the article. Describe how you feel about the article.

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