Type Talk At Work by Otto Kroeger
You will need the Type Talk At Work by Otto Kroeger with Janet M. Thuesen and Hile Rutledge. You have to discuss the validity of each of the four letter type and temperament two letter type. Four letter type-INTJ and Two letter type-NT. You have to include a separate section for each letter of personality types as well as a section for discussing how all of the different aspects of your personality (represented by the letters) work together. Also, for each separate sub-headings for each section. Give specific examples from your life-especially your work life-and discuss the weaknesses of your personality type as well. Last, using the Type Talk at Work as your guide, discuss the things that you have learned about yourself that will better help you understand your organization and your role therein. In a new section in the paper, answer the following questions: what have you learned about organizational behavior from these personality that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and manager? Also, what have you learned about yourself that from these personality that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and manager?