Training and development team project presentation

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Training and development team project presentation

Step 14: The Presentation

  • Prepare, rehearse and present to the class a presentation on your report.The presentation must have 20 PowerPoint slides that automatically advance every 20 seconds. This will take 7 minutes total. You will need to be selective as to the content you present.
  • Understandably the online environment presents some added challenges to this task, but in no way renders it impossible. Consider for example this presentation on SlideShare. Other tools such as AuthorStream or the built in narration tools in PowerPoint are bringing the power of ‘in person’ presentations to remote audiences. You can use any of these tools to deliver your team’s presentation,
  • The presentation must include a both an audio and visual component – very similar to an ‘in person’ presentation.Scripting the text of the audio will help with recording later. To include the audio, one team member shall add the narration after the other team members have designed and combined the slides. Each team member’s voice must be heard at least once in the presentation.
  • Text is limited to 6 lines per slide and each line cannot have more than 6 words. However, your presentation must follow the suggestions from Garr Renyolds presentation tips. Make sure to use high quality photos.
  • All team members must contribute in some way to the presentation in order to earn the points for the group work.
  • Make sure to check your marking rubric to make sure you’ve covered all requirements.
  • Presentation must follow APA reference style.
  • Submit a link to your online presentation or upload your presentation file to the Discussion Board in BlackBoard entitled “Team Presentations”. This must be completed by the end of week 13.

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