Topic: the privilege

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August 4, 2017
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August 4, 2017
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Topic: the privilege

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In the slide show, To See or Not to See, and the video clip, How to be an American, several speakers argue that underlying social and economic policies have given many advantages to whites, and that the myth of meritocracy blinds many people to systems of white privilege in the U.S. Tim Wise (video-clip #2) illustrates through his own 270 year family legacy how he has benefitted from a system of white privilege. He also describes several myths that people often use to deny the reality of privilege. In Chapter 8, Johnson describes 7 different methods people often use to get off the hook and deny the reality of systems of privilege. With this in mind:
1. Discuss 3-4 of these methods of denial or resistance of privilege raised by Wise and/or Johnson that strike you as common or that you have witnessed or experienced yourself.
2. Also discuss ways that these methods of denial might be counteracted and thus help people confront and alter systems of privilege.

Video clips for Module 7: Privilege
1.    Tim Wise Video Clip 2: Tim Wise on White Privilege (Watch first 32 minutes)

What does Tim Wise mean by I am not merely an individual €¦ I am a product of a system of privilege?
What points does Tim Wise make about privilege and power and it’s legacy in our society?
What do you think of Tim Wise’s arguments regarding the Colorblind Perspective?
What is it about talking about the realities race, oppression, and white privilege that can make people uncomfortable?  How can we get past guilt and blame and move toward critical understanding and social change?
2.    The 2nd video is: Trading Schools: [04:55]
After examining Trading Schools by Oprah, how do you explain institutional privilege and inequity?

Video clips for Module 8: Privilege Part 2

Watch all 4 of the slideshows in the Me, My Race, and I series (average 2-3 minutes each), Split Identity, To See of Not to See, The Elephant in the Room, How to be an American

Video: Race: The Power of an Illusion, part 3, Race The House We Live In [06:05]

Thinking Questions for Module 8 videos:
1. How are our differences shown in our society?
2. How does history impact people today?
3. How is racism embedded in our society?
4. Why is the colorblind society unequal by color?
5. Would you give up your privilege?
6. You can’t get away from your race; why is this?
7. To be an American early on meant that you had to be White and how does this impact us today?
8. How is the history of housing part of the privilege and wealth people pass from one generation to the next? How does this contribute to institutional privilege?

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