Topic: Reaction paper to Social Efficiency Ideology

Order Description This is a Discussion topic and it can be brief discussion topica please lable with discussion 5 discussion 6 and so I will give you the topic and it has to be a brief discussion about that topic.
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Topic: Reaction paper to Social Efficiency Ideology

Topic: Reaction paper to Social Efficiency Ideology

Order Description

Read the following three items, written by adherents of the Social Efficiency Ideology at three different times during the last century. Based on your reading of these items, describe how the Social Efficiency Ideology has changed over the last century.

Bobbitt, F. (1924). The new tecnnique of curriculum making The Elementary School Journal, 25(1), 45-54.

Gagne, R.M. (1970). The condition of learning (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Read pages 237-265

The Teaching Commission. (2004). Teaching at risk: A call to action. Washington, DC: The Teaching Commossion.

-Analysis and synthesis of articles
-Quality of reflection
-Quality of writing

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