Topic: economics evaluation

Order Description This is a Discussion topic and it can be brief discussion topica please lable with discussion 5 discussion 6 and so I will give you the topic and it has to be a brief discussion about that topic.
August 4, 2017
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Topic: economics evaluation

Topic: economics evaluation

Order Description

Assessment 3-Economic Evaluation

Please respond to the following questions in your brief economic evaluation. This assignment is due by Week 10. Refer to the course assessment document and the handout that I posted on the VLE (i.e., Guidelines for Assessment 3) for the format of your report and page and typeface restrictions.

Provide a critical assessment of the article by Hueston, W.J., Quattlebaum, R.G., and Benich, J.J. (2008). How much money can early prenatal care for teen pregnancies save?: a cost-benefit analysis, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 21(3), 184-190.

First summarize the research questions and analytical strategies used. What kind of a perspective is assumed by the authors in conducting their cost-benefit analysis? Next, describe key assumptions, cost and benefit measures employed by the authors. Finally, provide an overall critique of the article (i.e., strengths and weaknesses) and evaluate the contributions of the research to the literature. Please make sure to support your analysis and recommendations with additional relevant studies from the literature.

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