Topic: Compare study in UK and Iran

Topic: Critical Analysis
August 4, 2017
African-American or African author
August 4, 2017
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Topic: Compare study in UK and Iran

Topic: Compare study in UK and Iran

Title of Presentation: The difference between a system in the UK and your home country(which is Iran) Instruction: Choose any system which is markedly different between the UK and Iran. you can choose a macro-system such as the education system or the Health Care System. Avoid simply describing the difference between systems. Make sure that you try to explain what the difference can teach us about national characteristics and differences in culture. you should engage to audience by your speaking.

-Structure of slides (Number of points,clear, easy to read)
-Visual succes,color font, type size
-Save power point presentation in either ppt. or pptx
-Don’t use video clip
-Content and structure
-Language use

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