To what extent is the UN able to build ‘positive’ peace rather than simply enforce ‘negative’ peace?

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To what extent is the UN able to build ‘positive’ peace rather than simply enforce ‘negative’ peace?

Answer with reference to at least two UN peacekeeping operations Order Type: Essay Level: Degree / Bachelor’s Subject: International Relations Order Topic: To what extent is the UN able to build ‘positive’ peace rather than simply enforce ‘negative’ peace? Answer with reference to at least two UN peacekeeping operations Instruction: 1) explain the difference between positive and negative peace 2)How successful the UN has been in positive peace and what are the challenges. In reference to 2 peacekeeping operations to support the argument.

you MUST use at least 7 sources from the reading list and pay attention to the referencing

In the attachment

Sources: 14 Style: – Standard: – Language: English (UK) Pages: 12

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