Thesis states the writer’s opinion on the subject and provides a clear direction for the rest of the paper; it is focused, arguable, and specific. It includes the writer’s opinion on the topic and a rationale (reason) for that opinion.

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Thesis states the writer’s opinion on the subject and provides a clear direction for the rest of the paper; it is focused, arguable, and specific. It includes the writer’s opinion on the topic and a rationale (reason) for that opinion.

Body paragraphs are well-organized and follow the TEAR format with focused topic sentences to begin each one. Topic sentences address one main idea and the rest of the paragraph provides examples to illustrate the idea. Provides smooth transitions between sentences and paragraphs. New ideas arise clearly from previous ideas. The entire essay is structured in an effective point-by-point- or subject-by-subject comparison.

Development of ideas and analysis are relevant and substantial. Claims are followed by logical support. Evidence is relevant and relayed vividly and compellingly. Ideas and analysis are elaborated with significant depth, moving beyond the superficial. Quotes from the articles are interpreted in detail. Writer uses concepts from these quotes to interpret/analyze the examples. Analysis is specific and complex; writer does not simply regurgitate ideas from the reading.

Counter argument paragraph addresses a valid opposition to the writer’s position. It does not restate previous points from the essay. It respectfully presents the opposing view point and then proves that point wrong with valid evidence.

Conclusion does not simply summarize the paper. Stresses the larger significance of the argument by answering the so what? or who cares? questions.

Language is varied. Sentences progress smoothly and logically. Apt word choice. Well-edited. Complex ideas conveyed clearly.
Significant revisions have been made between the rough and final draft. Peer review comments have been considered and implemented in the final draft. Writer has provided thoughtful and significant suggestions for her/his classmates’ rough drafts.
MLA format: TNR, 12pt font, 1 margins all around, double-spaced with proper headings.  Works cited page and all in-text citations are properly formatted.     5

Paper fulfills all assignment requirements. It is at least 3 full pages long, and this paper is stapled to the front. Student has also included all peer review sheets and rough drafts. This is credit/no-credit€”you either get the full 5 points or 0.


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