Theology: Catholic Thought

August 4, 2017
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Theology: Catholic Thought

Theology: Catholic Thought

Paper instructions:
Integration paper: How did Christian orthodoxy emerge in history?

On writing the paper:
– Try to make 4 points in 1 sentence
– Prefer short words, MINIMIZE words usage
– Best having logical transition e.g.: Plato said this €¦.., Aristotle said this€¦.., and how did it relate to each other
– Substantiate your claims
– Rather than telling the story in the bible, explain it and analyze
– Terms, relation, substantiation

Reference to be used:

*Holy Bible (NRSV Translation)
Acts of the Apostles, 1-2
Letter to the Galatians
*Thomas Rausch, ed. The College Student’s Introduction to Theology (Liturgical Press, 1993) (Rausch ch. 4)
*Didache, excerpts
*Irenaeus, Against Heresies, excerpts

See the uploaded additional materials for the PDF file of Didache, excerpts & Irenaeus, Against Heresies, excerpts

Catholic Thought Course goals:
1.    Analyze the historical development of the major theological themes in the
Christian tradition by engaging primary sources.
2.    Articulate the significance of Vatican II on the development of contemporary Catholic thought.
3.    Identify diverse expressions of Catholic thought and practice today in spirituality, ethics, and worship.
4.    Articulate your understanding of the value of religion in relation to the pursuit of meaning and the promotion of social justice.

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