The mechanism of sucrose uptake by plant cells

Category of autonomic drugs
August 4, 2017
Solution-How lymph forms and returns to the bloodstream
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The mechanism of sucrose uptake by plant cells

Q1. An experiment is designed to learn the mechanism of sucrose uptake by plant cells. Cells are immersed in a sucrose solution and pH of the solution is monitored. Samples of the cells are taken at intervals and their sucrose concentration is measured. Their sucrose uptake correlates with the rise in the solution’s pH. This rise is proportional to the starting concentration of sucrose in the solution. A metabolic poison that blocks the ability of cells to regenerate ATP is found to inhibit the pH changes in the solution. Recommend a hypothesis accounting for these results. Suggest an experiment to test it.

Q2. Could intelligence be primarily a matter of having plenty of the right neurotransmitter at the correct synapses?

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