The Catholic Christian tradition as it developed in Latin America, China, and India as well as Europe provided a very important place for representations of the Virgin Mary. Why might this feature of the Christian message have been so widely appealing?

Compose a 1,000-1,200 word argumentative essay that (a) educates an audience of non-engaged stakeholders about the issue or topic; (b) engages the audience by convincing them that they should care about this issue or topic; and (c) empowers the audience to take action in some way.
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The Catholic Christian tradition as it developed in Latin America, China, and India as well as Europe provided a very important place for representations of the Virgin Mary. Why might this feature of the Christian message have been so widely appealing?

Article History + Q/A

College level grammar, spelling, punctuation, answering all question, use of logic and specific, relevant evidence.

550 words, support book: Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources, by Robert W. Strayer, Second 


Part 1

Please read pp. 763-771 in the Strayer textbook and view all of the images there. Look closely. Images are critical pieces of historical evidence and “speak a thousand words.” Then answer these questions drawing on evidence from the chapter and the visual evidence:

  1. The Catholic Christian tradition as it developed in Latin America, China, and India as well as Europe provided a very important place for representations of the Virgin Mary. Why might this feature of the Christian message have been so widely appealing? In what ways, however, does the image of the Holy Mother differ in Visual Sources 15.3, 15.4, and 15.5? In what ways , finally, were those images adapted to the distinctive cultures in which they were created?
  2. From a missionary’s viewpoint, develop arguments for and against religious syncretism using these visual sources as points of reference. (If you don’t know what ‘syncretism’ means, please look it up in a reputable dictionary. I recommend the American Heritage Dictionary. It is a storehouse of riches.)


  Part 2:

Please read in Strayer pp. 812-819. These pages contain four document excerpts on “Claiming Rights” – a new discourse that arose in the West about rights and the individual. This discourse was recently on display in the recent Supreme Court decision permitting same-sex marriage. It is very relevant today. Learn about its sources.

Read these four documents carefully, bearing in mind what you have read earlier Chapter 16. Then answer the following questions being sure to provide dates, names, and events — that is, evidence — to back your answers:


3. Being specific and offering evidence from these four documents, in what different ways does the idea of “rights” find expression? Provide evidence from each of the four documents. Which documents speak more about individual rights and which focus on collective rights? What common understandings can you identify?

4. For Document 16.2, Simon Bolivar’s Jamaican Letter, what might you infer from Bolivar’s statements, or his silences (often even more telling than his words), about his willingness to apply human rights thinking to people of Native American, African, or mixed-race ancestry? Get down to details: back your inferences.

5. For document 16.3, Frederick Douglass’s “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July,” in what ways does Frederick argue that slavery has poisoned American Life

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