The Baby Boomers: In Their Own Words
There is simply too much generalizing when people discuss the Baby Boom Generation and far too many myths have gone unchallenged about the life and times of this massive demographic group so I want you to be a responsible scholar and help dispel some of the hype.
Your assignment will be to find someone born between 1943 and 1963 and interview them. The only other condition is that they lived in the U.S.A. during the 1960s or 1970s and witnessed the history you studied about first hand. The interview should be somewhat casual. Do not ask too many personal questionsespecially about drugs or sex. I would like you to simply let your subject discuss their experience growing up as a member of this huge demographic. Ask them what they recall most vividly about the decade of the 1960s or 1970s. If they participated in any of the social, cultural, or political movements of this era, ask them to describe the experience. If they did not participate in any social movements first hand, ask them what they thought of them. Ask them about the popular culture of the era (the music, styles, entertainments, etc.) How did they dress? Who were their favorite musicians? Did they attend any rock concerts? Did they grow up in the suburbs or the city? What was their neighborhood like? This period has been described as a period of great hope but also deep emotional rage. Ask them about these emotions and how the events of these decades effected them personally. Did they fear the threat of nuclear war with the Russia or China? Did they participate in any protest for or against the Vietnam war or did they follow these protests as they were covered on TV? What did they think of the social and cultural upheavals of this period? What did they think of Presidents Kenney, Johnson, or Nixon? Let them discuss any topic they want, but always ask them to be specific and provide detailed examples. You will need these specifics when you take the final exam. Try to limit your interview to one hour but keep track of the time discreetly. You do not want your interview subject to feel rushed in any way so never look at your watch or your cell phone.