Team Goals

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Team Goals

Team Goals

Order Description

1. Team Goals
Evaluate your team’s performance, utilizing the Team M Contract(see contract) and your team’s experiences, by doing the following:
1a. The candidate identifies the role of each team member, with substantial detail and the team’s goals:
Carrie: Team Member
Trenice (me): Note Taker
Ann: Time Keeper
Hossameldin: Facilitator
Lisa: Reviewer/Publisher/Compiler
Blake: Team Leader
1b.Achievement of Goals
The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the team achieved or did not achieve its goals. Note: Provide specific examples to support how you met or did not meet each goal.

2a. Motivation Strategies or Theories
€¢ The candidate identifies, with substantial detail, 2 motivation strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. (Note: Motivation strategies are discussed in chapter 10 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook.
€¢ 1. Coaching as an approach to motivation.
€¢ 2. Motivation through recognition.

2b. Utilization of Motivation Strategies or Theories
€¢ The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial support, of how effectively the team utilized the identified motivation strategies or theories, OR, if the team did not use one of the strategies or theories, the candidate provides a logical, brief discussion, with substantial detail, on how the team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance.

3a. Influence Strategies or Theories
€¢ The candidate identifies, with substantial detail, 2 influence strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. . (Note: Influence strategies are discussed in chapter 8 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook.
€¢ 1. Leading by example and showing respect.
€¢ 2. Being a team player.

3b. Utilization of Influence Strategies or Theories
€¢ The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial support, of how effectively the team utilized the identified strategies or theories to exert influence over the team outcomes or deliverables, OR, if the team did not use one of the strategies or theories, the candidate provides a logical, brief discussion, with substantial detail, on how the team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance.
4. Effectiveness of Team Communication Plan
€¢ a. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the effectiveness of the team’s communication plan as written in the Team Contract, referencing examples from the team experience.
€¢ b. team decision-making policy (Response: The team will make decisions based on majority vote.)

€¢ c. Create a plan for ongoing communication and file sharing. What will be the primary method for communication? How will urgent issues be communicated to the team? How often will the team meet or communicate each week? Etc. (Response: Email will be the preferred means of communication. Urgent issues may also be resolved through email or additional conference calls. The team will check email daily to stay connected. The leader will send a weekly email to remind the team of due dates and to solicit questions.)

5a. Conflict-resolution Strategies or Theories
€¢ The candidate identifies, with substantial detail, 2 or more specific conflict-resolution strategies or theories that were agreed to in the team contract. (Note: Conflict resolution strategies are discussed in chapter 12 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook.
€¢ 1. Conflict resolution through compromising with others.
€¢ 2. Conflict resolution through collaboration with others.

5b. Effectiveness of Conflict-resolution Strategies or Theories
€¢ The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial support, of the effectiveness of the conflict-resolution strategies or theories agreed to in the team contract, referencing examples from the team experience, OR, if the team did not use one of the strategies or theories, the candidate provides a logical, brief discussion, with substantial detail, on how the team could have used each strategy or theory to improve team performance.

6. Improvement Team Performance
€¢ The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the candidate could have improved the team’s performance.
Team Name:  Team M
Team Members:  Carrie McDivitt, Trenice Cooper, Ann Thompson, Hossameldin Salem,
Lisa Castro, and Blake Bunner

1.    Identify a role for each team member.  How will this structure allow the team to be more effective?  Possible roles may include team leader, facilitator, team members, note taker, timekeeper, and reviewer/publisher.   (Note: There must be a team leader as well as someone designated to compile the handbook in addition to the remaining roles listed above.)

Carrie:        Team Member
Trenice:        Note Taker
Ann:        Time Keeper
Hossameldin:    Facilitator
Lisa:        Reviewer/Publisher/Compiler
Blake:        Team Leader

2.    Identify at least three team goals.

A)    The leader will send out email weekly (each Wednesday) to the team for updates and reminders.
B)    The team will stay on track with submission dates for assignments.
C)    Each team member will check email daily and will respond within 24 hours by making supportive comments or answering questions from other team members.

3.    Review and discuss weekly assignments and deadlines outlined below.

Week    Weekly Assignments    Date Due
One    1.    Complete the Teamwork section of the course of study.
2.    Schedule and conduct first team meeting (Note: Detailed instructions for scheduling the first team meeting can be found in the course of study.)
3.    Complete the Team Contract and have the team leader submit to it to [email protected] for approval.
4.    Complete the Assignment Designation Form.    8/18/14
Two    1.    Complete the Leadership Styles section of the course of study and determine your leadership style.
2.    Research your topic for the first section of the handbook and review the resources outlined in the Leadership section of the course of study.
3.    Write the first handbook section and submit it to the team compiler.    8/25/14
Three    1.    Complete and submit the RJAT or RSAT Task One.
2.    Research your topic for the second section of the handbook and review the resources outlined in the Leadership section of the course of study.
3.    Write the second handbook section and submit it to the team compiler.    8/31/14
Four    1.    Compile the handbook and send the final copy to all team members
2.    Complete the remaining Leadership tasks as outlined in the task instructions and submit the final JAT2 or SAT2. (Note: These tasks are completed individually and could require more than one week to complete and submit.  Submission may occur after the end of the fourth week, if needed.)
3.    Complete the Final Review section of the course of study to ensure all task requirements have been met before final submission.    9/8/14

4.    Determine the team decision-making policy (by consensus? by majority vote?).

The team will make decisions based on majority vote.

5.    Create a plan for ongoing communication and file sharing.   What will be the primary method for communication?  How will urgent issues be communicated to the team?  How often will the team meet or communicate each week?  Etc.

Email will be the preferred means of communication.  Urgent issues may also be resolved through email or additional conference calls.  The team will check email daily to stay connected.  The leader will send a weekly email to remind the team of due dates and to solicit questions.

6.    Determine conflict resolution strategies (at least two) to address how conflict will be resolved within the team. (Note:  Conflict resolution strategies are discussed in chapter 12 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook.  This exercise must include at least one strategy from the textbook.)

A)    Conflict resolution through compromising with others.
B)    Conflict resolution through collaboration with others.

7.    Determine how motivation strategies (at least two) could be used to effectively motivate team members. (Note: Motivation strategies are discussed in chapter 10 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook.  This exercise must include at least one strategy from the textbook.)

A)    Coaching as an approach to motivation.
B)    Motivation through recognition.

8.    Determine how influence strategies (at least two) could be used to effectively influence team members.    (Note: Influence strategies are discussed in chapter 8 of the Leadership: Research, Practice and Skills textbook.  This exercise must include at least one strategy from the textbook.)

A)    Leading by example and showing respect.
B)    Being a team player.

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