Team Dynamics analysis

Human Nature and its different aspects
August 4, 2017
Discussion: Reflection and Review
August 4, 2017
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Team Dynamics analysis

Team Dynamics analysis

Analyze your team’s performance by applying course concepts to analyze key aspects of that experience, the impact of Technology in the team.
Team: is a virtual team comprise of 4 peoples (Eric, Colleen, Cheryl and I) we used cell phone and a computer share site (wiggio) to meet and communicate.
Traits of the other members
Colleen: As the team leader, could not make any decisions. On the share site she seems directed her conversation toward Cheryl. When I ask her a question I don’t get any response.
Cheryl: In a way authoritative always trying to assign tasks to other members doesn’t trust other members specially me. She only sees herself but she will reply quickly to your mail
Eric: sometimes acts like Colleen but he takes his time before he reply to text messages
At the end the project was done but it was not a so good experience. Overall the team did ok it could have been better if everyone were adhering to the rules and if communication was face-to-face. At the beginning we had difficulties agreeing on the schedule for meeting. Although we had various collaborative communication tools, but because we did not use them cooperatively that has caused the team to be less effective.
Other 3 member’s personality traits are 2 extrovert and 1 introvert I am also an introvert. It should have been a balance in the team. (You can mention the members by name)
I need a 3 pages summary of that reflection




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