Systems Analysis Overview and Foundation Concepts

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Systems Analysis Overview and Foundation Concepts

Systems Analysis Overview and Foundation Concepts

In October of 1998, a Request for Proposals was issued to secure consulting assistance for the development of an Information Management Strategic Plan (IMSP) for Providence Health Care. The role of the consultants was to facilitate the planning process, work with a steering committee in the development of the plan and to consolidate the outcome of the planning efforts in the form of a document that would become the IMSP. To oversee the development of the IMSP, a steering committee was established. The Information Management Strategic Planning Steering Committee (IMSPSC) was made up of representatives from both the clinical and non-clinical service areas of the organization and also reflected a balanced representation of the various sites within PHC. The IMSPSC was comprised of the Vice President responsible for Information Systems (Executive Sponsor), Leader€” Health Record Services (Project Manager) as well as representatives from Utilization Management, Financial Analysis, Nursing Informatics, Residential Care, Information Systems, Human Resources, Year 2000 Office, Family Practice and a second Vice President with administrative and clinical program responsibilities.

For this case assignment, carefully read the Preceding-Paper presented at the 2001 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference (Implementing an Information Management Strategic Plan in a Multi-Hospital Setting).

Write a scholarly essay that clarly answers and addresses the following questions/requirements:

Within the context of the background material, what conclusions can you draw regarding Providence’s purpose and rationale for initiating their information systems analysis project/s?
What connections can you make regarding the project types, stage and organizational levels?
Describe any apparent life cycle methodology presented in the Providence case.
What, if any, systems life cycle analysis do you think was apparent in the Providence case?
Where any effects of prior automation evident? If so, what were they?
Describe any additional aspects from background material that you feel is significant to the Providence case.

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