Suppose you are also in charge of securing your organization’s data. Identify at least two (2) data security measures that you believe are necessary to prevent data security issues.

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Suppose you are also in charge of securing your organization’s data. Identify at least two (2) data security measures that you believe are necessary to prevent data security issues.

Data Information Decision”  Please respond to the following:

  • With the obvious pace of current technology development, data continues to grow daily. Imagine that you are a Database Administrator for a large organization. Identify the primary decisions a Database Administrator must make in order to manage such data, maintain data integrity, and maintain a database at its most ideal level. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Suppose you are also in charge of securing your organization’s data. Identify at least two (2) data security measures that you believe are necessary to prevent data security issues. Justify your response.

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