Summarize the 4 different types of environmental trends in human service agencies by using an example(s) to demonstrate your understanding.

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Summarize the 4 different types of environmental trends in human service agencies by using an example(s) to demonstrate your understanding.

Each question is worth 25 points out of 100 points (see grading rubric). Please answer each question by writing at least 375 words at minimum to support your answer. Your submission of the questions should be on one Microsoft Word document (no cover page needed but you must use a reference page) which is double spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins on all sides (standard APA style).

Question #1: Please summarize the 6 functions of human service management by using an example(s) to demonstrate your understanding.


Question #2: Please summarize the 4 different types of environmental trends in human service agencies by using an example(s) to demonstrate your understanding.


Question #3: Please summarize the 3 different type of appraisal mechanisms used in developing and managing human resources in human service agencies by using an example(s) to demonstrate your understanding.

Question #4: Please summarize how critical and feminist theories impacted the development of human service agencies historically.

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