Studying abroad

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Studying abroad

Studying abroad

The subject is English-1302 Not an Essay just a Documentation Project. Go to this link and then go to the west library on the bottem of the page click on it and here is the login details mnadhirah and the password is Tx361878
A.Using the computer and the library tools at your disposal, find the following sources specifically relating to your topic:
€¢One magazine article
€¢One newspaper article (any article after 2007)
€¢One journal article (any article after 2002)
€¢One website
€¢One blog
€¢One YouTube video
€¢One book
€¢One chapter in a book
B.Then, create a Works Cited page, correctly formatted, for the sources above using MLA 7th edition citation style. You may use your book, handouts from the library, and the Citation Resources folder under Links to help you put this together.
C.Next, create an in text citation for each source as identified below:
€¢One magazine article (quoting from one page)
€¢One newspaper article (quoting from one page)
€¢One journal article (summarizing from three pages)
€¢One website (quoting from one page)
€¢One blog (summarizing the blog)
€¢One chapter in a book (summarizing four pages from the chapter)
Please Notes: for the youtube part you should go to the youtube because you won’t find it on the west library you will find it on youtube

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