strategic managment report

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strategic managment report

strategic managment report
You have recently taken a job as a planning assistant in a University’s corporate planning department. Your boss was at a conference last week where someone was talking about the importance of an organisation’s paradigm for strategic management. Knowing that you’ve graduated from a top University with incredibly good strategic management tutors, he’s asked you if you could give him a short written briefing on this.
Please therefore submit a 1000 word report (using headings / paragraphs) that will help him understand the concept and its relevance to the 3 typical phases seen in strategic management. Bring in real and relevant examples to illustrate your points where you can. Do not include any Appendices. You may use bullet points where appropriate, and use the 1st person if you wish. Wordcount does not include any tables.
Please submit your report together with the usual front sheet under the Turnitin assignment link below. Use the following format for the name that you give your file: STM Report €“ name, initials.
Your work must be uploaded to Turnitin by 1530hrs on 7th January. Further general details regarding submission / Turnitin are given in the Module Handbook, as well as more information on the generic assignment marking criteria which are summarised below. Please make sure you understand these criteria and present your work accordingly.
Knowledge & Application of Theory (60%)
(Extent to which you have clearly understood what is meant by an organisational paradigm and its impact on the process of strategic management)
Form & Content in a Practical Context (30%)
(Extent to which you have brought in relevant and insightful real life examples to credibly illustrate your points)
Coherence & Organisation of Assigment (10%)
(At least 3 academic references shown in-text and in a References section (in Harvard format) €“ plus suitable structure / flow and credible business language)



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