Social Science Report

Marketing plan for the product or service for the barber shop
August 4, 2017
Impact of Adolescent Neglect, Juvenile Delinquency and the Risk of Recidivism
August 4, 2017
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Social Science Report

Using major international news media (e.g., CNNBBCChristian Science MonitorNew York TimesWashington Post, or other major international news source–if you’re not sure about a source, just ask) locate a recent news article from this year that is about some aspect of GLOBALIZATION.

1. Put full citation including URL

2. Write ONE paragraph summarizing it in your own words

3. Write ONE paragraph explaining how it is related to materials covered in this class (this week’s material ONLY–development and women/children/health, migration and globalization)

4. Write ONE paragraph reflecting upon the article (what is your reaction to the subject and/or how it is covered)

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