social media and marketing for Liana Evans, i Pod and Philosophy for Wittkower, and emotional design for Donald Norman

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social media and marketing for Liana Evans, i Pod and Philosophy for Wittkower, and emotional design for Donald Norman

social media and marketing for Liana Evans, i Pod and Philosophy for Wittkower, and emotional design for Donald Norman

Donald Norman changed his mind. He has become more phenomenological, more of an experientialist. Furthermore, the crucial transition is from phenomenology to
experienceology. It should be noted that the science of experienceology doesn’t exist as yet, although it has been announced by several prominent scholars in almost every decade during the past 200 years. Donald Norman was expecting to shock his positivist colleagues. He was moving from the traditional hard science approach. Hard science is supposed to be objective, positivist, rigorous, and logical. Today’s exploration of usability design or experience design requires a mental attitude which is subjective, post-positivist, and experientialist.
How do you see this objective-subjective dichotomy?

2. PHILOSOPHY€“A CRASH COURSE (Wittkower) People seem to be trying to evade philosophy. Philosophy is considered just a bit too ethereal for an ordinary, everyday human being. Philosophy is seen as something remote: remote, hence irrelevant. Yet, the enterprise of linking philosophy to popular culture was a brilliant academic strategic move. Perhaps computer science and computer engineering should also try linking more closely to popular culture. What do you think about philosophy? What is philosophy as you see it now? How does it relate to the iPod (or House, South Park, bullshit, €¦)?


Understanding media today fundamentally reduces down to selling and promoting.
Marshall McLuhan wrote a book called Understanding Media. McLuhan was very interested in media in general. That does not necessarily mean that he actually understood media. Today, I think we can do a bit better if we concentrate on making money through the use of media.

7. I don’t know what you think about all of this social networking stuff. As far
as I am concerned, I am here to sell a product. Period. Social media marketing is what this whole thing is about. Read the above quote. What are these two people talking about? What are your reactions? What do you think?
Use the insights from Evans to answer Question number 7 and describe how you see money €“ making today.




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